Jason Arment
Author / Writer / Typist
My memoir about Iraq, Musalaheen, published 9/11/2018 by University of Hell Press
Essays, Stories, and Poems:
"Wartime Generations" (fiction) Litro Magazine
"Life's Ups and Downs" (flash nonfiction) Litro Magazine
"A Man’s Life as Wet Dog Story" & "A Dog’s Life" (flash fiction) Bull: Men's Fiction
"Salad Days In Cy’s Roost" (flash fiction) Necessary Fiction
"Transformations of Aggression" & "Born Again Hard" (poetry) Proud to Be Volume 10
"Societal Inversion" (essay anthologized in) 2020 Year of the Aster from University of Hell Press
"A Car's Life" (flash fiction) Digging Through the Fat FLASH NO. 25
“Packing Envelopes” (narrative nonfiction) White Wall Review
“A Bridge To Nowhere” (narrative nonfiction anthologized in) Quagmire: Personal Responses to Iraq and Afghanistan from Nebraska Press (Anthology of the literary journal War, Literature & the Arts)
“Three Kings” (narrative nonfiction) storySouth Issue 51
"PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS: CASE 1-1, 66, & 187" (flash fiction) Bull: Men's Fiction
“Zacatecas” (flash nonfiction) Barely South Review Volume 11.2
“Spotlighting” (flash fiction) As You Were: The Military Review Vol. 12
“Dogs of War” (narrative nonfiction) Honorable Mention in Pacifica Issue 16.1 2019 CNF contest
“One of Us” (poetry) Twisted Vine
“Rap Gods” (nonfiction) Pithead Chapel
“Rabid Dogs” (fiction) Heavy Feather Review
“We Have the Watches” (poem) Ilanot Review
“Flame and Fortune” (narrative nonfiction) Eclectica Magazine
“One of Us” (narrative nonfiction) Timber Journal
“Hajis” Blue Collar Review Fall 2018
“Fade Away, How They Lived” Collateral Vol. 8 Spring
“Dope Tired” (poem) Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors Vol. 7
“I'm a Veteran With PTSD. The Medication I Take Makes Dating Difficult” (column) The New York Times
Musalaheen (full-length memoir) University of Hell Press
“Iron Heart” (narrative nonfiction) The Rumpus
“Pill Line”(poem) Juked
“Exodus” (narrative nonfiction) Montana Mouthful
“Cost” (poem) Military Experience & the Arts Vol. 8
“Run Around the Walls of Troy Like They're Jericho's, Domination, Poem to a Dead Man” (poems) Barking Sycamore
“Mark of Cain” (poem) Synaesthesia Magazine
“None of Ours, Daybreak” (film poem) Fox Sports/ESPN
“Two Shallow Graves” (narrative nonfiction) Best American Essays, first published in The Florida Review
“Cross Me” Digging Through the Fat
“More than Sorrow, The Smell of Pine, The Cull of Saqlawiah” (poetry) 0-Dark-Thirty A Literary Journal Anthology 2012-2017
“White Whale” (narrative nonfiction) The Iowa Review 47.1 Spring - Veteran Writing Contest Runner Up
“Misnomer” (narrative nonfiction) Hypertextmagazine
“Short Timers” (narrative nonfiction) Duende
“VA Mental Health Waiting Room” (poetry) Midwestern Gothic Winter
“War Fighting, Police Actions, 1,000 Yard Stare” (poetry) New Madrid Winter
“Every Man a Fortress” (narrative nonfiction) Lunch Ticket Winter/Spring
“Health, Every Marine a Rifleman, Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, War-guided, The Absence of Dreams, Marine Blues” (poetry) COG Issue 5 Fall
“My Brother's Keeper” (nonfiction) Zone 3 Vol. 31 No. 2 Fall
“The Oaths We Keep” (creative nonfiction) Watershed Review
“Between the West Bank and the Sea” (narrative nonfiction) Atticus Review
“The Cull of Saqlawiah, More Than Sorrow, The Smell of Pine” (poetry) 0-Dark-Thirty A Literary Journal Fall
“Blood Magic” (fiction) Witch Craft Magazine Issue 3 Fall
“Bottle Rockets and Bad Memories” (fiction) Proud to Be: Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors Vol. 5
“Two Shallow Graves” (narrative nonfiction) The Florida Review
“River City” (narrative nonfiction) The Indianola Review
“Accessory to Genocide” (narrative nonfiction) Brevity Magazine: A Journal of Concise Literary Fiction
“Post Four” (narrative nonfiction) Pithead Chapel : An Online Literary Journal and Small Press
“So Many Years Ago” (literary fiction & interview) Radial The Premiere Issue
“Double Entendres” (narrative nonfiction) Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts Winter/Spring Vol. 28 Issue 1
“Fear City” (narrative nonfiction) Phoebe Fall Vol. 45 Issue 1
“Santa Muerte” (narrative nonfiction) Hippocampus Magazine: Memorable Creative Nonfiction (AUG)
“Farewell” (narrative nonfiction) Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors Vol. 4
“Voices of Dissent” (narrative nonfiction) Dirty Chai Issue 7
“In Defense of Suicide” (lyrical essay) Chautauqua Issue 12
“Old Men Dying Young” (lyrical essay) The Burrow Press Review
“First Season, Shotgun” (narrative nonfiction) Lunch Ticket Magazine, Summer/Fall
“A Bridge to Nowhere” (narrative nonfiction) War, Literature, & the Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities Vol. 26
“Grim” (narrative nonfiction) Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors Vol. 2
“Operation Iraqi Freedom” (narrative nonfiction) Narrative Magazine, featured Story of the Week
(Find a listing of Sketch issues in ISU's Digital Repository)
Print & Digital
“Fallout” (nonfiction)
“Her” (lyrical essay) Sketch Vol. 76.1Fall
“Chopsticks” (short fiction) Sketch Vol. 75.2 Spring
“Invisible Horde” (narrative nonfiction)
“Tough Guy” (narrative nonfiction) Sketch Vol. 75.1 FALL
“Allah Willing” (narrative nonfiction) Sketch Vol. 74.2 SPRING
“A Moment of Panic on Post One” (narrative nonficition) Sketch Vol. 74.1 FALL
Journalism, opinion, cultural critique, film criticism, and a documentary.
The Iowa State Daily
www.iowastatedaily.com, and print
The Big Smoke (not to be confused with the mother publication in Sydney, AU)
Ames Vision (Spring 2011)
Urban revitalization in small town America—when politics and big business clash with small business.
Honors and Awards
From Best American Essays Honorable Mention: 2016, 2018, & 2020
From Pacifica 2019 Contest: Honorable Mention
From Watershed Review Best of the Net Anthology nomination for “The Oaths We Keep” 2016
From The Iowa Review Jeff Sharlet Memorial Award for Veterans writing contest runner-up 2016
From the Sonora Review Essay Prize Finalist 2016
From The Sycamore Review Wabash Prize for Non-fiction Finalist 2016
From The Masters Review Volume V Final Round 2016
From Epiphany Magazine Spring Contest: Under Thirty (prose only) Finalist (x2) 2016
From Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors 2016 Fiction & 2013 Essay Honorable Mention
From The Burrow Press Review Push Cart Prize nomination for “Old Men Dying Young” 2015
From Chautauqua “Emerging Voice” spotlight Issue 12 (2015)
From Lunch Ticket Best of the Net Anthology nomination for “First Season, Shotgun” (2014)
From CutBank Literary Magazine Montana Prize in Creative Nonfiction Finalist 2015 & 2014
From Hermeneutic Chaos Press Chapbook Finalist 2015
From Narrative Magazine 30 Below Story Contest 2012 Finalist, Spring 2012 Story Contest Finalist, Story of the Week 2012-2013 Series
Scholarships From Iowa State University (Spring 2012)
Kurt Moody Creative Writing Award “In recognition of excellence in fiction writing, screenplay or playwriting”
Albert L. Walker Excellence in English Awards “In recognition of academic excellence and exceptional ability in the study of literature”
Richard Caplan Sketch Prize “In recognition of excellence in nonfiction writing”
Military research resource for Benjamin Percy's novel Red Moon.
Literary support for Donald Quist and his story collection Harbors.
Film Credits
Caucus (2013) Activism: a brief few seconds of the story in Dirty Chai caught on film.
Other Activities